Thursday, May 24, 2012

Homeschooling Journey once again...

Free & Affordable Notebooking Pages (& More!)
I can't believe the year is half way done. And it has been so busy every month that I really choose to spend the rest of the day to lie down and get rest for the next awaiting busy day. I think it might be the age. Metabolism slowing down....

But here I am taking a mommy break at a starbucks to update my blog.  Well I'm always at a lookout and ready to share what I find especially with home schooling. I just can't seem to get around to sharing it sooner. So tonight is the night. And this is what I have found lately. Notebooking! It's a great strategy to help my kids learn. I've read many testimonies and the how to's on this approach. It's very encouraging. I can't wait to keep the routine going with my family. And the benefits to see in the future.

I have just started this method by creating my own pages, but the link above has tons of resources that makes it easy to begin notebooking and I don't need much planning ahead. I can just download and print it. All I needed is a membership. The cost is very affordable, but I was very happy to know that they offered a discount for limited time only. So I signed up right away. I believe it will be very beneficial to the children. The membership fee is annual, but the resources is forever mine! I tell you, you have to check it out right now! Because the sale ends tomorrow! I know I should have shared this a long time ago, but again I really couldn't around to it. But it's not yet too late!

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