Thursday, January 14, 2010


So I have finished the first book of "Anne of Green Gables". Yes, I have seen the movie and never read the book. I must say the book was better to understand the character of Anne. Although watching the movie was one of my childhood favorites. Even in my youth I thought of Anne as one my heroes. She was someone I wanted to be like, independent, strong, and smart.  There was a part in the book that I thought was worth observing, but not so much in the movie. It was her becoming as a lady. Anne was very honest about herself. In the beginning of the book I thought of her to be too proud to own up to her faults. But as she grew up her character was built on humility. She expressed her limitations in such truthfulness. In which, I find myself sometimes lacking. I believe many lack humility to own up to their faulty character. But I think we have a God who gives us everyday to have a chance to grow out of our little prideful self and express a little bit of our wrongful thoughts or actions towards others, but most of all our wrongfulness toward Him.

"It would be true enough to say I am sorry, because I am sorry now. I wasn't a bit sorry last night. I was mad clear through, and I stayed mad all night... I felt so ashamed of myself. But I just couldn't think of going and telling Mrs. Lynde so..." (Anne of Green Gables

1 comment:

selle said...

nice! wow...yet another blog for you! hehe!