Monday, August 16, 2010

Jacob's birthday bash!

I thought it would be a great idea to share how we celebrated Jacob's 5th birthday. So here are some pictures for you to see. And I really think the pictures speaks for itself already. In addition to that, I'm very proud to let you also know that I got a new lens for my SLR (NikonD50)! I finally replaced my kit lens that broke since the month of May. Imagine the waiting, and the patience I need to keep using a broken lens for my items and family activity pictures. Anyway, that's enough vexing. I will comment as they go. So keep reading down.

T h u r s d a y: JACOB's swimming party at a close relatives house pool and celebrated the birthday with friends and family.

 F r i d a y: Fishing and Camping for a night! With bonfire to make smorse!!

 S a t u r d a y: Hiking before Home bound! It did take 2 hours to get everything packed up to go home. But it was all worth it!
I'm just glad we survived a back to back celebration! Goodnight!

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