Friday, March 4, 2011

Frugal Birthday Party Series: Handmade Favors

So as I have mentioned from my last blog post that I have been inspired to share my ideas of a frugal birthday party for less than $500. I have done it for the past 8 years. So far it has all been a joy to put together and successful in making them happen. My personal thought and purpose of having parties in the first place is really to celebrate my child's life with people you care about and who care about you and your family, without spending all your savings.  It is my goal to inspire my reader to be frugal with their parties as well, and so I hope this will be helpful.

In addition to my last list,  here is the next idea with a little bit of tutorial, a handmade fabric crown as a party favor. It doesn't ruin teeth, no need to buy loot bags, and you don't need to spend much money unless if you already have the materials. But if you own a sewing machine, it's the best tool you can ever use to be frugal. This was a hit on my last party, Since our party theme was to dress up as a prince or princess, and kids age 5 and up kept it on through out the party and brought it home with them. Very easy and simple to make.
   Supplies you need: 
1. sewing machine
2. any kind of scraps of fabric you already have
3. scissors
4. garter, cut into 9 inches
5. stiff backing material to keep up the crown

Follow my pictures below to get an idea how to make them. Remember, thought this doesn't cost much, it will still cost time to make them. Do them ahead of time so you don't rush through it!

Cut out a template for the crown. You can design your own. Measure it to 5 inches in length.

Pin the template and cut out the fabric.

Create the backing with a 9 in garter. You have an option to make a covering or sew the garter by itself onto the crown.
And this is how it would look on the kids.

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