Friday, March 4, 2011

Frugal Birthday Party Series: Fish Favor or Decoration

As I look back the past parties I've thrown for my children I say this is one of the best, goldfish. It was such a treat for the kids to bring one home after the party. I had ziploc bags ready for every fish to be safely transported to their new home.   But during the party I used tall vases to put them into and added them on as part of my center pieces. So it was put to good use all through out.

Supplies for this favor:
1. water
2. vases
3. net for scooping them out
4. ziploc bags for transport
5. fish food for the day

gold fishes - .10 cents at Walmart
ziplog bags - $1 at dollar tree store for 50 count
Vases - free, use what you already have
fish supplies (food, and net) -$5.94 at Walmart

One of our friend's kid who was very excited to take a fishy home.


Rubyellen said...

oh joy it looked so fun!!! good job!!! i had plans to go, but was feeling so ill that day that i ended just staying home. let's get together soon!

CIEL said...

The party was well worth the planning and hard work!