There is a solid number of ladies that is studying the book of 1 John with me. And I am really enjoying the company in diving deep into our bibles every Saturday morning.
This is a quick note of how our first meeting went so far.
A recap on chapter 1 observation.
Here are some background we found out:
-The author is Jesus' cousin John the beloved.
-Who is he writing to? Believers. Christians. Those who have trusted in Jesus
-His purpose for this chapter is on verse 4 "so that our joy may be made complete".
-When was this written? between A.D. 85 and 95
Here are the keywords that we found that was mentioned or repeated once:
-fellowship -sin
-Light -Truth
Since this was our first meeting there wasn't much to
expect, but it was a great time to build the foundation and direction of
where we are going. We listed what we found out about God and Christ. And as I remember we closed in prayer asking God to help us love God's Word. I think that's a great prayer because if you truly have trusted and put your faith in Christ you will keep His commandments and walk in it.
Lastly, this is what I encourage them to do for the next chapter study, read and re read it! Endure the temptation to think that you already know it. Write down your thoughts or anything that comes to mind on the side of your bible, when you read it. Soon those notes will eventually make sense.
It's my hope to share through my blog what transpires in our discussion, and hopefully describe how God has been working in us individually. More to share as we continue our study.
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